Comparaison de détecteur d’eau et de cavité d’OKM

02 Octobre 2018

The name GeoSeeker stands for water detection as well as cavity detection. Both detectors are utilizing geoelectrical principles to measure the resistivity of the underground soil. According to the Schlumberger procedure four electrodes are placed into the ground to determine its resistivity.

Both, the OKM GeoSeeker as well as the OKM GeoSeeker Mini, are utilizing two electrodes to inject electrical power into the underground soil, whereas two additional electrodes are measuring the potential difference (fall of voltage) at specific scan points to calculate the final resistivity value.


Comparison of GeoSeeker Features

The following table compares the features of both detectors:

OKM GeoSeeker Mini

OKM GeoSeeker Mini OKM GeoSeeker Mini water detector

OKM GeoSeeker Mini

Détecteur d'eau jusqu'à une profondeur de 100 m



Maximum Depth: 100 m (328 ft)

Weight: 14 kg

Data Visualization: Data values on screen,
2D scan images

Active Scan: Yes

Passive Scan: No

Quick Scan: No

Maximum Voltage Output: 320 V

Display / Operation: Embedded Touchscreen

Operation Time: approx. 8 hours

Power Supply: External OKM Power Pack
(12.7 V, 4.4 Ah)

Memory Capacity: 4 measurements

OKM GeoSeeker

OKM GeoSeeker OKM GeoSeeker

OKM GeoSeeker

Détecteur d'eau jusqu'à 250 m



Maximum Depth: 250 m (820 ft)

Weight: 35 kg

Data Visualization: Data values on screen,
3D scan images

Active Scan: Yes

Passive Scan: Yes

Quick Scan: Yes

Maximum Voltage Output: 390 V

Display / Operation: Android Tablet-PC (WiFi)

Operation Time: approx. 16 hours

Power Supply: Internal Lead Acid Battery
(2 x 12 V, 10 Ah)

Memory Capacity: Unlimited,
depending on free memory of Android device


Both geoelectrical detectors are able to detect underground objects and structures like:

For additional questions concerning our water and cavity detectors you may contact your local distributor or our sales and support team.

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