Behind the Scenes: Making of OKM Tutorials
The video shoot for the current Rover C4 campaign took place near Altenburg in early June 2022. A former gravel pit near Zwickau offered best conditions to test the popular treasure detector and 3D ground scanner Rover C4 extensively.

Ground Scanner Rover C4 Explained Fast and Simply

OKM Tutorials help detector users to operate their detector or 3D ground scanner more efficiently. To achieve this, we show the handling directly in the field under real conditions. Compared to an indoor setting with ideal conditions, we can take into account the local conditions, such as weather and terrain, and adjust the detector accordingly in order to achieve optimal measurement results.

Making of: Rover C4 in Real Conditions
On the site of the former gravel pit, we were able to use our treasure hunters' favorite Rover C4 on soils such as clay, sand and gravel. The different soil types are of interest for the later analyses of the measurement data in the detection software Visualizer 3D Studio.

It was suspected that smaller voids and objects in the subsurface could be detected on the site. Thus, the measurements took place at various locations, always with the appropriate backdrop in the background so as not to distract from what was important: handling the ground scanner.
The combination of wide, flat scan fields, uneven and more heavily vegetated areas as well as steep slopes offered a variety that treasure hunters usually find in their field as well. During the video shoot, we were thus able to pay even more attention to special features that need to be considered in order to achieve optimal scan results.

The video recordings were realized with kind permission of Arena E - Die Kartbahn Deutschlands.
We would like to thank for the exclusive access authorization, the informative tour of the track and are looking forward to a further successful cooperation!
Arena E: Motorsports for Young and Old

The karting arena Arena E in Muelsen is one of the largest karting tracks in Germany. The insider tip for young and old motorsport fans has been available in Muelsen (near Zwickau in Saxony) since 2019. Experience sustainable adventures with:
- Kart training, courses and beginners' cup
- Indoor and outdoor motorsport race track for karts and pocket bikes
- Service, spare parts and tuning for karts
- Gastronomy
- Motorsport events
- Facilities for business and private events
- Overnight stays in the shepherd's caravan on the meadow orchard
- Class excursions
Beyond the Race Track: Arena E is Committed to the Environment
Arena E successfully demonstrates that motorsport is compatible with nature conservation: On the one hand, the karts and bikes run on electricity. On the other hand, school classes are invited to explore the large and small wonders of the wildlife and vegetation on the green neighboring site.

In addition to the race track, the area of the former gravel plant also includes a part that is no longer farmed, which served OKM perfectly as a backdrop for the current videos. The scenically very diverse area is currently being renaturalized, which means that flora and fauna are being supported to regenerate and reestablish themselves. Fallow deer, wild boar, certain bird species and amphibians already feel at home again. The project is accompanied by ecologists who are particularly interested in the reintroduction of the natterjack toad.
A specialist has been recruited to take care of the area and ensure that the breeding grounds where the tadpoles grow do not dry out. With joy and passion, he tells not only the ecologists but also school classes about the natterjack toads and the plants and animals that can be discovered in the former gravel pit.
Experience classroom gardening in a special way: Send request to Arena E